Get It Analytics has the tools and expertise to bring you cutting edge analytics.
You could be leaving millions on the table because of improper coding. Achieve unrivaled performance managing Medicare Risk Adjustment with Get It Analytics MRA Utility.
Our homegrown utility, Get It MRA, utilizes the most up to date MRA model information available to health plans. Using this utility we are able to identify gaps in care between plan years at a patient, provider, and plan level. Based on the outcome, Get It Analytics can help you determine an action plan to improve your MRA performance if gaps are identified.
Key Features:
- Ability to apply the Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) model including demographic and disease interaction components to from your plan
- Reporting at the plan, practice / provider, and patient level
- Capability to apply the model retrospectively, prospectively, or both
- Patient level scorecards that identify missing chronic conditions or chronic conditions that are lower in severity than the previous plan year
- Ranking of patients to plan outreach based on expected revenue
- Delivery of results in multiple formats (Excel, Access) or our home grown application
- ICD-10 readiness
Key Services:
- Consulting for plan and provider workflow development to manage identified MRA opportunities
- Ongoing monitoring of MRA gaps to ensure closure through CMS systems
- Audit services for diagnosis code submission to CMS
Are you nervous about becoming an Accountable Care Organization, accepting capitated payments, or participating in shared risk contracts? If the data you need to be successful with population health is unruly, we can help you bring it back to order.
Get It Analytics will work with your organization to identify your needs, lay out a strategy, and either build or help you source an appropriate platform to bring clarity to your data. From there we will help you develop analytics to make your population health initiatives successful.
Service Highlights:
- Aggregation of EHR, claims, laboratory, pharmacy, and other key datasets
- Standardization of data sources and master patient indexing
- Development or sourcing a clinical data warehouse based on organizational needs
- Development and support of analytics centered around your population health initiatives
- Support for standardized EHR deployment strategies to the provider community which support data aggregation